My Passion is Education

I believe in public education and Floyd County schools. I believe in the power our schools have to help our children gain the knowledge and wisdom to succeed in life in whatever direction their interests take them. I was raised here, went to school here, and graduated from Floyd County High School. I know Floyd County. My two children attended Floyd County schools. I've taught for more than 40 years, the last 23 in Floyd County. Not only do I have the experience and background in teaching, but the understanding and support of the community I want to serve. I want to be your school board member from Courthouse District to bring my passion for education to all the aspects of schools that impact the future of Floyd.

I Know Floyd

My family has been in Floyd since the 1800's with my great-great grandfather Silas Martin. I know the parents, the children, the grandparents, and I've taught many of them. I graduated from Floyd County HS in 1975, then went on to college and teaching. My family have all been Floyd public school graduates: mother Bobbie from the old Willis HS 1950; from Floyd County High School my brother Ervin 1977, daughter Erika 2005 and son Brandon 2004. My life has been centered around education and schools in Floyd. What's important to the people of Floyd is important to me and my family.





Experience Matters

Teaching Experience

What Experience Means

To serve as a Floyd County School Board member, it's not enough that my family has been in Floyd for generations, that I was raised in Floyd, attended and graduated from Floyd Public Schools. It's not enough that my college degree and masters are in education, and it's not even enough that I taught for 40 years. Being a teacher in public schools, Floyd Public Schools, I learned to work with everyone that a school board member serves: students, parents and guardians, teachers, administrators, the public, and government - the kind of experience you want of your school board.

Experience also means appreciating how we are all more alike than we are different. As a public school teacher I saw children from every type of home, and I love them all. I’ve invested my life in seeing each child succeed. Helping our students flourish has substantial positive benefits to the community, our viability and future, our businesses. I understand that as well, the positive impact of good public schools.

What People Say

People who know Debbie Snellings know that she is exactly the right person to serve as a member of the Floyd County School Board. Here are their recommendations for her to school board.


As a former elementary principal in Floyd County, I had the pleasure and privilege of seeing Debbie’s impact in our schools first hand. She brought patience, love, compassion, and high expectations to the table. The children responded by working hard and gravitating to her. The same could be said about the parents and families with whom she worked. These are the kinds of qualities Debbie will also bring to the Floyd County School Board. I’ll also add that I personally found her to be incredibly smart, creative, and positive. Let’s be honest, having somebody like Ms. Snellings on the school board who has had years of experience she’s had working in the school system will be to the advantage of all those who call Floyd County home!

I enthusiastically support Debbie Snellings as a candidate for the school board. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her for several years. While principal at Auburn Elementary School she was a classroom teacher.

Debbie is an extremely dependable, hardworking, conscientious, and responsible individual. She has been an active participant in virtually all aspects of the district, and she constantly searches for ways to improve herself as an educator and as a leader.

Debbie possesses a deep passion for public schools and for the students under her charge. She has a firm belief that she can positively impact the life of a child through hard work and dedication. Debbie is a strong advocate for students and consistently places their needs before her own. She will do whatever it takes for her students to succeed.

Debbie is a strong team player and going the extra mile is something that is very common for her. She approaches each new challenge with considerable enthusiasm and consistently maintains a positive attitude. Debbie is a wonderful educator and a strong member of the community. She possesses high personal and professional characteristics that are based on integrity, honestly, and honor.

She is a veteran teacher and still possesses that burning desire to help others. I firmly believe that Debbie Snellings is an excellent candidate for the school board. She would represent Floyd in an exemplary fashion.  

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More Folks Who Support Debbie for School Board

image: FCHS Bison yearbook 1974 'Deborah Martin [Snellings]'

your friends and neighbors who know and support Debbie ... Brenda Allen, Lynwood Allen, Ellen Ambrose, Emmett Bird, Kenneth Bower, Shelia Bower, Debbie Carter, John Carter, Jan Cartwright, Lynn Cartwright, Becky Cockram, Michael Cockram, David Cross, Alyssa Elizabeth, Reba Goff, Chip Herbert, Pat Herbet, Barry Hollandsworth, Nanette Johnson, Clay Link, Kathy Link, Judy Lowrance, Bobbie Martin, Ervin Martin, Lois Poff, Kevin Reed, Melissa Ruble, Brandon Snellings, Erika Snellings, Krystal Snellings, Carol Sowder, Mike Sowder, Loyce Sowers, Cheryl Spangler, Genelle Vest, Johnny Walker, Melinda Walker, Kimberley Walls, Theresa Zeigler